Digital technologies
Information technology (IT)
  • analyzing the possibility of creating and implementing new digital products in Russia and abroad, and the requirements for structuring such products

  • providing support for the creation or acquisition of digital platforms

  • developing the documentation required for the operation of digital platforms and services, including service rules, personal data processing and cybersecurity policies and contractual documentation

  • preparing the documentation required for a digital platform to obtain the status of a regulated financial market entity and helping to obtain approval of such documentation from the Bank of Russia

  • advising on the creation of a corporate ecosystem

  • conducting studies on the treatment of various digital regulatory issues in different jurisdictions

  • providing support for projects related to the application of blockchain technology

  • analyzing various regulatory aspects of innovation projects

Digital assets
  • analyzing the possibility of issuing digital assets in Russia and the requirements for the structuring of such assets

  • providing support for the issue of digital assets and drafting the decisions on the issue and related contractual documentation

  • conducting regulatory analysis of issues related to the structuring and issuance of digital assets

  • developing and supporting draft laws legislative initiatives in the field of digital assets

  • holding educational webinars on the subject of digital assets

Intellectual property (IP)
  • preparing and analyzing agreements on the transfer of exclusive rights to intellectual property

  • preparing and analyzing licensing agreements

  • providing support for software development, including preparing and analyzing agreements with software developers

  • conducting due diligence reviews of intellectual property assets

  • formalizing regal relationships related to intellectual property assets created in the course of employment

    formalizing the confidentiality regime required for legal protection of trade secrets and know-how

Awards and recognition
Many of our lawyers are recognized by
Stanislav Dobshevich commented on the court decision regarding Raven Russia assets for the Logirus Logistics Portal.
Today, Dmitry Raev, Counselor at KKMP, took part in the CRE Conference "What Is the Plan 2025?".
On January 28, the International Data Protection Day is celebrated!
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