Showing results for the tag: #speaking_engagement
On 13 December, Valerian Mamageishvili spoke at the VII Annual Conference "Private Equity and M&A 2024" on the topic of the "Standards of Buyer Protection Tools in M&A Transactions: Key Trends". His report was recognised as one of the best out of those presented at the conference based on the poll results.
On December 10, KKMP Counsel Dmitry Raev spoke at the Roundtable "Construction Contracts Typified: Is It a Necessary Requirement or a Restriction of the Freedom of Contract in Business?"
On December 7, Valerian Mamageishvili, KKMP Senior Associate, spoke at the XI Workshop "Trends in the Development of Private Law" organized by the Institute of Private Law of Kutafin University (Moscow State Law Academy).
On November 27, a joint meeting of the Compliance and Healthcare Committees of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia was held on the issue of legal compliance of projects for the localization of production of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the EAEU countries.
On November 15, Elena Klyuchareva, KKMP Senior Associate, spoke at the "DigitalRight Forum" during the session "Use of DFAs, UDRs, Digital Currencies and Crypto Currencies in Company Operations", where she discussed the prospects of harmonization of decentralized finances with traditional financial instruments.
On November 14, KKMP Senior Partner Alyona Kucher took part in the Round Table on Legal Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Russia sponsored by the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
On November 13-15, Kazan hosted the II Russian-Chinese Rostki Business Forum, a unique platform for strengthening and developing Russian-Chinese trade relations.
Today the conference “Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia 2024” took place. Among other things, a unique study of M&A practice for 2022-2024 was presented at the conference, prepared by a number of leading law firms, including KKMP.
On October 30, KKMP Senior Associate Elena Klutchareva spoke at the first Russian specialized conference on application of DFAs in construction and development industry "DFA in Construction and Real Estate: New Opportunities for Developers and Investors".
On October 18, BRICS+ New Economy Legal Forum took place bringing together more than 300 participants from 20 countries.
Yesterday, the Association of European Businesses Insurance and Pensions Committee held a meeting at KKMP office. KKMP Partner Anna Maximenko and Counsel Roman Sadovsky spoke on various aspects of regulation and circulation of digital financial assets (DFAs).
On October 15, the Head of KKPM China Desk Chuck Peng participated in the ICC Russia conference "Instruments of Trade Finance. Doing Business with Global South: Peculiarities and Main Trends" attended by major bankers, entrepreneurs and academics.
From September 30 to October 4, with KKMP support, Istanbul Arbitration Week (ISTAW) organized by the Energy Disputes Arbitration Center (EDAC) took place.
Yesterday, KKMP Counsel Dmitry Raev spoke at the Construction Legal Forum 2024 in the session “Legal Risk Management: Modern Systems and Approaches”.
On September 18, KKMP Senior Partner Alyona Kucher spoke at the VIII Russian Legal Forum in the session “Realization and Protection of Corporate Rights”, where she discussed the protection of corporate rights in the preparation and conclusion of business contracts.
On September 3rd, ICC Russia International Trade Day took place in Vladivostok. KKMP China Desk Head Senior Associate Chuck Peng participated in the special panel "Pivoting East: New Horizons for Dispute Resolution and Investment Protection" and gave a presentation on arbitration in China.
The annual landmark conference of Forbes Federal Legal Forum took place in Moscow yesterday. KKMP partner Stanislav Dobshevich spoke at the session Impaired Securities: How to Cross the Rubicon of Sanctions?
Today at the Construction Summit Dmitry Raev highlighted the key issues of EPC contracting.
On September 5, the ACRA II Forum Digital Finance: New Economic Reality was held embracing more than 500 participants.
On August 24th, the annual Taiyandao Business Conference was held in Harbin with more than 1 000 participants including Chinese officials, businessmen, industry experts and other attendees. KKMP China Desk Head Senior Associate Chuck Peng spoke at the conference in a panel on the digitalization of state-owned enterprises with a presentation on how legal services help Chinese enterprises to effectively invest in Russia.
This week the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration holds its 5th Summer Academy for aspiring arbitration practitioners. KKMP Partner Stanislav Dobshevich, one of the Academy speakers, delivered a lecture on Arbitration Agreement and Types of Reservations.
Yesterday we hosted a webinar with our colleagues from BSA Al Rashdi & Al Barwani on “Doing Business in Oman”.
The XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum took place in St. Petersburg on June 26-28. Alyona Kucher, KKMP Senior Partner, spoke at 2 sessions of the forum: "Representations and warranties in Russian law: distribution of contractual and tax risks" and "Investing in Russia. Top 5 tools for protection against conflict with a local partner".
On June 27, 2024, in St. Petersburg, Stanislav Dobshevich, KKMP partner, spoke on the Recognition of Russian judgments abroad at the traditional Litigators’ Breakfast held by for its SPB Legal Day.
On May 29, Corporate Secretaries Club of National Corporate Secretaries Association (NCSA) held a meeting to discuss the impact of the sanctions agenda on corporate governance practice. The Club meeting took place at SIBUR Polymer House.
KKMP supported Kazan Legal Week 2024 held on May 22-24 by and ANP ZENIT. KKMP Senior Associate Elvira Khasanova spoke on “Sanctions Compliance Trend in 2024: a necessity or a mechanism for adapting to an unstable reality?” during the “Prospects for Business Development in 2024” session.
On May 16-18, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the International Law Faculty and the MGIMO Law Club with the Endowment support held the 1st Interuniversity Student Contest on the problems of financial markets legal regulation in the Russian Federation - FinLex 2024.
On April 17-18 ICG held its 16th Annual Corporate Insurance International Conference in St. Petersburg. KKMP Counsel and Head of Insurance Practice Roman Sadovsky spoke on the key features of directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance in Russia and recent court practice.
On April 3, the Civilist Club organized a large scientific and practical conference "Freedom of Contract: 10 years later", where KKMP senior partner Alyona Kucher spoke on "Risk Sharing Contracts in the Context of Freedom of Contract".
On March 27, KKMP and Veta Expert Group held a joint seminar "Relevant Issues of Damages for Breach of Representations".
On March 14, the conference "Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Sanctions" took place, where KKMP Senior Associate Elvira Khasanova participated in the session "Financial and Trade Restrictive Measures Regime. Doing Business in Global Isolation" speaking on sanctions regulation trends in 2024.
On March 13, the AmCham Russia conference "Key Compliance Results in 2023 and Expectations for 2024" took place, where KKMP Senior Associate Elvira Khasanova spoke on the factors affecting sanctions compliance in 2023 and expectations for 2024.
Elvira Khasanova appeared as a guest expert on RBC Investments channel. She discussed the decision of the European Union Council to allow separate accounting of profits from frozen Russian assets for possible use for political purposes.
On February 29, with the KKMP participation and sponsorship, the ICC Russia seminar "Digital Instruments for Real Business: Overcoming Borders" took place, where a representative of the Ministry of Finance and representatives of the legal community, financial market and FinTech discussed current issues of cross-border settlements using digital rights, cryptocurrency and central bank digital currency (CBDC).
On February 14th, the conference "Legal Firm Marketing 17 PRO MAX" took place, during which KKMP partner Anna Maximenko spoke about Telegram channels as a communication tool in the new realities.
Head of KKMP Insurance Practice Roman Sadovsky spoke at the joint event of the AEB Insurance and Pensions Committee and Real Estate Committee "Real Estate Insurance". He covered real estate insurance, particularly fire risks.
Head of KKMP Insurance Practice Roman Sadovsky spoke at the CRE conference "What is the plan 2024?". He covered real estate insurance, particularly fire risks.
The X International Conference of Young Jurists, Trends in the Development of Private Law, was held at the Moscow State Law Academy’s Institute of Private Law with the support of KKMP on November 30 - December 1.
In the conference Digital Markets and Ecosystems: Legal Issues, held on November 30, KKMP Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva spoke in the session Regulatory Challenges for Digital Markets and Ecosystems in 2023, on the possible future role of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a payment medium.
On November 28, RBC Event Center hosted the 2nd All-Russian Industry Conference on Construction Law and Legal Management. KKMP Associate Violetta Drondina spoke in the session Structuring construction contracts and effective management of investment projects on the various possible relations between general contractor, contractor and supplier.
On November 23, KKMP, in partnership with the public affairs consultancy Kesarev, held a seminar, Harmonization of Transactions and Transactions involving Foreign Participants: Key Trends and Expectations 2023-2024.
KKMP Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva participated in the ICC Russia conference New mechanisms for cross-border settlements, held on November 21. She made a presentation in the session National Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and Other Innovative Instruments for Cross-Border Settlements.
In the Pravo-300 Forum, held on October 27, KKMP Associate Andrey Lipin spoke in the session Tempest in a Teapot: Approaches to Business Development in a Period of Restrictions, in which he shared his observations on trends and specific features in the structuring of M&A deal closings over the past year.
Maxim Kuleshov speaks at the Conference on Corporate Law and Corporate Governance
In the annual conference, Corporate Law and Corporate Governance — 2023, held on October 20, KKMP Partner Maxim Kuleshov spoke in the session Corporate Law News - The impact of sanctions on corporate governance in 2022-2023.
On October 20, the Association of Corporate Treasurers and VTB Factoring held an educational event, The Complete Guide to Digital Financial Assets.
KKMP Managing Partner Alyona Kucher, Senior Associate Dmitry Raev and Associate Violetta Drondina have led a seminar, Price and Deadlines: Key Issues in Contractor Agreements.
The ICC Russia Conference Resolving Construction and Infrastructure Disputes in International Arbitration took place today.
KKMP has participated in Russia’s first practical forum on digital financial assets, Digital Finance: The New Economic Reality ,organized jointly by the ACRA rating agency and the Association of Company Treasurers.
On August 30, 2023 KKMP Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva spoke at the Civil Lawyers’ Club Conference, Corporate Law: Current Problems, on the liability of members of legal entities’ and corporations' management bodies for inaction.
On June 14, 2023, KKMP Associate Alexey Khnalkov addressed the legal forum Transformation of Russian Law: Trends, Guidelines, Solutions.
KKMP Partner Maxim Kuleshov has participated in the English Law Day in Yerevan, organized by the Eurasian CIS Legal Professionals' Forum in cooperation with the British Embassy in Yerevan and the Bar Council of England and Wales.
KKMP Partner Anna Maximenko and Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva have participated in the PILnet webinar Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrency and NFTs in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.
During the Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum KKMP Managing Partner Alyona Kucher gave an interview to in which she describes how M&A deals have changed, and outlines the main challenges and some recent trends in the M&A market.
The SPB Legal Day, organized by and supported by KKMP, was held today on the margins of the Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum.
On April 7 KKMP Partner Anna Maximenko spoke about practical aspects of choosing a "friendly" jurisdiction in the session Legal Aspects of the Great Migration.
KKMP lawyers speak at the Real Estate and Construction Market Conference
KKMP participated in the conference Real Estate and Construction Market in 2023: Legal Risks, an event which brings together leading companies in the industry and legal experts.
On February 17, KKMP Partner Maxim Kuleshov spoke at the RCCA Conference - Do Not Neglect the Present Moment.
KKMP Managing Partner Alyona Kucher has led a round table on Force Majeure and Unenforceability in Sanctions at the Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum.
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