Showing results for the tag: #corporate
The XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum took place in St. Petersburg on June 26-28. Alyona Kucher, KKMP Senior Partner, spoke at 2 sessions of the forum: "Representations and warranties in Russian law: distribution of contractual and tax risks" and "Investing in Russia. Top 5 tools for protection against conflict with a local partner".
On June 20, 2024, KKMP partner Anna Maximenko and senior associate Andrey Lipin held a seminar devoted to practical aspects of redomiciliation of foreign holding companies to the Russian Federation.
KKMP continues to strengthen its corporate law practice and announces that Valerian Mamageishvili has joined the team as a Senior Associate.
Maxim Kuleshov speaks at the Conference on Corporate Law and Corporate Governance
In the annual conference, Corporate Law and Corporate Governance — 2023, held on October 20, KKMP Partner Maxim Kuleshov spoke in the session Corporate Law News - The impact of sanctions on corporate governance in 2022-2023.
On August 30, 2023 KKMP Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva spoke at the Civil Lawyers’ Club Conference, Corporate Law: Current Problems, on the liability of members of legal entities’ and corporations' management bodies for inaction.
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