KKMP Becomes Exclusive Sponsor of the Russian Civil Law Classics series
Kucher Kuleshov Maximenko & Partners Law Firm (KKMP) is pleased to announce that it has become the exclusive sponsor of the Russian Civil Law Classics series published by Statut Publishing House.

KKMP has always emphasized that a high level of professionalism and academic depth is important for its work. In addition, we traditionally place great attention on supporting education and enlightenment and preserving high level of knowledgeability among Russian lawyers, therefore, we enthusiastically encourage important initiatives in legal education.

One of such initiatives was, of course, the revival of the widely acclaimed Russian Civil Law Classics book series, which presents the landmark works of prominent Russian lawyers who had a significant impact on the development of civil law in Russia. We believe that understanding the origins and history of civil law helps to better comprehend current legal processes and develop more effective legal solutions.

In addition, supporting the Russian Civil Law Classics series is a way to express our respect and recognition of great academics and practitioners who made an invaluable contribution to the development of civil law.

At present the series contains 18 publications (22 books), and we plan to continue it further. More information about the book series is available on Statut Publishing House's website.

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