Supply agreements
  • preparing draft supply agreements (both standard and transaction-specific agreements)

  • preparing tender documentation and assisting in selecting the winning bids

  • providing ongoing support during the implementation of agreements, including in relation to acceptance of goods, claims and dispute resolution

  • providing support in relation to consumer conplaints about the quality of goods

Distribution agreements
  • developing legal distribution models

  • preparing and approving draft agreements, including supply, franchise, services and intellectual property rights transfer agreements

  • providing support for distribution network development projects, including disputes with distributors

Service agreements and other
  • selecting the appropriate agreement type and developing an optimal structure

  • preparing and conducting tenders and invitations to bid and assisting in the legal assessment of bidders and their proposals

  • preparing and approving a range of draft agreements (both standard and transaction-specific): supply agreements, intermediary agreements (including commission, agency, assignment and distribution agreements), insurance agreements, licensing agreements, agreements on the transfer of IP rights, real estate and equipment lease agreements, pledge surety and guarantee agreements, agreements on assignment of rights and subtitution of parties, service agreements etc.

  • providing support during the implementation of agreements, including in relation to the acceptance of goods, works and services, the filing of claims for violation of agreements and the assignment of rights or agreements

Awards and recognition
Many of our lawyers are recognized by
Stanislav Dobshevich commented on the court decision regarding Raven Russia assets for the Logirus Logistics Portal.
Today, Dmitry Raev, Counselor at KKMP, took part in the CRE Conference "What Is the Plan 2025?".
On January 28, the International Data Protection Day is celebrated!
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