Alyona Kucher Speaks at the Round Table "Legal Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Russia"
On November 14, KKMP Senior Partner Alyona Kucher took part in the Round Table on Legal Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Russia sponsored by the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The round table discussed the issues of preservation of archaeological heritage, reforming legislation on the protection of cultural property, civil and environmental legal aspects of archaeological works, consequences of the discovery of archaeological sites during construction works, sale of land plots and restrictions on land owners if archaeological heritage sites were discovered thereon. 

Alyona spoke on legal regulation of archaeological heritage assets, including:

  • whether archaeological heritage assets found on a land plot constitute independent objects or are an inseparable part of the land plot,

  • whether such archaeological heritage asset as “cultural layer” can be treated as an independent immovable thing,

  • how to reconcile the right of state ownership to archaeological heritage assets on any land plot with the private ownership rights to such land plot,

  • what restrictions are imposed on the owner of a land plot when archaeological heritage assets are discovered on it and whether any compensation from the government is due for the fulfillment of obligations to ensure the preservation of such assets or whether the government can be required to buy such land plot,

  • whether it is possible to privatize a land plot if it contains archaeological heritage assets and whether it is possible to make civil law transactions with it.


Based on the results of the Round Table, proposals will be prepared for the improvement of legislation on the protection of cultural heritage assets. The presentations made at the Round Table will be published.

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