Showing results for the tag: #publications
01/21/2025 published an article by senior associate Andrey Lipin and legal assistant Evgenia Druzhina "Accelerated" Redomiciliation of Foreign Holdings in the Russian Federation: Key Issues", where the authors discuss the advantages and possible risks of redomiciliation in the "accelerated" mode.
The November issue of the Vestnik of Economic Justice of the Russian Federation published an article by Valerian Mamageishvili, Senior Associate at KKMP, entitled “Revisiting Subjective Good Faith of the Recipient of Assurances about the Circumstances and Remedies Available to Them”.
11/14/2024 published an article by Violetta Drondina "Does the Customer Need a Critical Path Schedule to Contractor Agreement", in which Violetta discusses how the critical path schedule helps to control the deadlines and minimize the risks of the parties to the contract.
KKMP partner Anna Maximenko and senior associate Elena Klyuchareva wrote the chapter "Health Care M&A Transactions in Russia" for Debevoise & Plimpton's "Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions Answer Book".
Elena Klyuchareva, KKMP senior associate , and Gleb Yakushev, the Head of Revera law Group Crypto & Blockchain Direction, have contributed to RBC Pro article ”Already in Belarus, be ready in Russia: how mining will be regulated”. The article describes the current regulation of mining in Russia and prospects of its development with account to the analysis of existing regulation of mining in Belarus.
KKMP Managing Partner Alyona Kucher has written an article for a special end-of-year issue of Pravo-300.
Comments by Maxim Kuleshov for on the role of lawyers as intermediaries between business and government
In a special end-of-year issue of Pravo-300 KKMP Partner Maxim Kuleshov has commented on the role played by lawyers as intermediaries between the business community and government.
The portal has published an article by Andrei Lipin entitled Specific Features of Russian Law Relating to the Acquisition of Shares in Foreign Companies.
11/14/2023 has published an article by KKMP Counsel Elena Tchoubykina, Partnership Financing: Development Prospects, in which she discusses legal issues related to the trial introduction of partnership ("Islamic") financing in certain regions of the Russian Federation, and also explained how the new mechanisms will operate as part of the current banking system.
08/16/2023 has published an article by KKMP Senior Associate Dmitry Raev and Associate Violetta Drondina, How banks can implement development projects using non-core assets: instructions, in which the authors discuss legal issues related to the development of land plots in collaboration with third parties.
In an article published by on January 24, Women's Labor Rights: Discrimination Issues and Key Court Cases , KKMP Partner Anna Maximenko and Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva comment on the aspects of current labor law which they consider to be particularly successful in terms of protecting women's rights.
In an article for RBC KKMP Managing Partner Alyona Kucher comments on proposals by the Ministry of Justice to allow courts to determine the point at which contractual obligations cease.
In an article for RBC KKMP Senior Associate Dmitry Stakheev discusses the EU’s clarifications on its prohibition on European lawyers providing legal services to clients from the Russian Federation.
In an article for RBC, KKMP Partner Maxim Kuleshov comments on the criteria for dividend payments to non-residents from countries classed by Russia as "unfriendly".
In an article for RBC KKMP Managing Partner Alyona Kucher, has commented on the introduction by the Subcommission of the Ministry of Finance of criteria for "voluntary" contributions to the state budget following the sale of assets by foreign investors.
08/15/2022 has published an article on the establishment of Russian law firms on the basis of foreign law firms.
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