out-of-court settlement
  • early-stage assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of out-of-court-settlements

  • development of strategies to maximize the efficiency of dispute resolution

  • draft of pre-trial claims, comprehensive maintenance of claims’ course of action and fulfilment of dispute resolution in quasi-judicial procedures (Dispute Review Boards, Dispute Adjudication Boards)

  • dispute settlements, including representation during negotiations, drafting of settlement offers and structuring joint ventures’ exits

Russian courts litigation
  • representation and comprehensive maintenance of clients’ litigations in Russian state courts (drafting of relevant procedural documents, participation in court proceedings), including resolving complex and non-standard construction disputes, corporate and public law disputes, as well as disputes arising from finance transactions

  • represention in restructuring and bankruptcy disputes, including disputing debtor's transactions and bringing to subsidiary liability

cross-border litigation
  • maintenance of cross-border proceedings in multiple jurisdictions before both judicial and administrative authorities in foreign countries, as well as drafting of relevant procedural documents

  • coordination of all aspects of local counsel's performance, including acquirement of licenses for counsels to represent clients who are susceptible to sanctions of other states, as well as payment for services abroad

  • direct representation of clients in oral pleadings, interrogatories and other proceedings (if applicable)

international commercial arbitration
  • representation of clients and consulting on a wide range of disputes in international commercial arbitration in Russia and abroad (drafting of relevant procedural documents, participation in oral pleadings, relevant interaction with experts and witnesses), under the rules of ICC, SCC, LCIA, SIAC, HKIAC, UNCITRAL, GAFTA, FOSFA, DIAC, TIAC, MAC, ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, RAC

  • analyses of dispute resolution provisions in contracts, developing a strategy and preparing practical recommendations for their improvement, including the choice of arbitration institution, applicable law and place of arbitration, as well as the maintenance of forming of arbitral tribunal, in accordance with the current foreign policy situation and sanctions risks

  • coordination of the local counsel’s performance

international investment arbitration
  • representation and consulting of investors and states in disputes under the rules of ICSID and UNCITRAL related to expropriation and other violations of investment protection standards under international investment agreements (including the ECT and the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union)

Awards and recognition
Many of our lawyers are recognized by
Stanislav Dobshevich commented on the court decision regarding Raven Russia assets for the Logirus Logistics Portal.
Today, Dmitry Raev, Counselor at KKMP, took part in the CRE Conference "What Is the Plan 2025?".
On January 28, the International Data Protection Day is celebrated!
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