Showing results for the tag: #civil_law
Kucher Kuleshov Maximenko & Partners Law Firm (KKMP) is pleased to announce that it has become the exclusive sponsor of the Russian Civil Law Classics series published by Statut Publishing House.
We have tried to summarize the currently available discourse on this issue and suggest some possible ways to minimize the risks associated with it.
KKMP has supported Statut publishing house in releasing a new book from the "Classics of Russian Civilistics" series - "Private Law: Selected Works" by S.S. Alekseev.
On August 30, 2023 KKMP Senior Associate Elena Klyuchareva spoke at the Civil Lawyers’ Club Conference, Corporate Law: Current Problems, on the liability of members of legal entities’ and corporations' management bodies for inaction.
Statut publishing house, with the support of KKMP, has released another book in its Classics of Russian Civil Law series, Russian Civil Law by D.I. Meyer.
Today the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted an academic legal conference, Civil Law: Current Problems related to the Present Stage of Development, timed to coincide with the release of a new compilation of articles, Civil Law Relations: Problems of Doctrine, Legislation and Judicial Practice, to mark the 75th birthday of Professor Evgeny Sukhanov LLD.
Statut publishing house, with the support of KKMP, has released another book in its Classics of Russian Civil Law series, Selected Works of S.M. Korneev.
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