Anna Maximenko speaks at the ICC Russia conference "Digital tools for real business: overcoming boundaries"
On February 29, with the KKMP participation and sponsorship, the ICC Russia seminar "Digital Instruments for Real Business: Overcoming Borders" took place, where a representative of the Ministry of Finance and representatives of the legal community, financial market and FinTech discussed current issues of cross-border settlements using digital rights, cryptocurrency and central bank digital currency (CBDC).

KKMP partner Anna Maximenko moderated the session "Cross-Border Cryptocurrency Settlements: "ban, can't, release". The speakers were:

  • Osman Kabaloev, Head of the Banking Regulation Division of the Financial Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

  • Alexey Maslov, Chairman of the SWIFT Users Group in Russia

  • Elena Avakyan, Advisor of AB EPAM

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