China Desk
China Desk provides legal services to Russian and Chinese businesses.

KKMP China Desk is led by Chuck Peng, a lawyer with almost 10 years of experience in Chinese companies, highly qualified in Chinese law. As a native Chinese speaker fluent in English, he is well-equipped to bridge communication gaps between Russian and Chinese parties.

Our expertise, including in cooperation with trusted local counsel in China, allows us to provide a wide range of services to Russian companies entering the Chinese market and dealing with Chinese counterparties, and to Chinese companies doing or planning to do business in Russia.

As businessmen in many countries, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Letters of Intent (LOI) are often used by Chinese companies and businessmen. However, the Chinese use of MOUs and LOIs and the Chinese rules governing these legal documents are so different that they can cause major problems when doing business with China. Below are the key points to consider when signing a MOU/LOI.
On November 13-15, Kazan hosted the II Russian-Chinese Rostki Business Forum, a unique platform for strengthening and developing Russian-Chinese trade relations.
On September 3rd, ICC Russia International Trade Day took place in Vladivostok. KKMP China Desk Head Senior Associate Chuck Peng participated in the special panel "Pivoting East: New Horizons for Dispute Resolution and Investment Protection" and gave a presentation on arbitration in China.